New homes are available in Traditions of Braselton, and whether you’re looking for a builder’s inventory home that is ready or will be ready for your family soon, or a custom-built home with each feature hand-picked by you, you’ll find it here. We’re proud to offer exceptional choices for every family here, and you’ll find a wide selection of inventory homes and builder’s designs as well as an exceptional team of some of Georgia’s best custom home builders. Discover the home that is just the right fit for your family here in Jefferson – read on to learn what’s waiting for you in Traditions of Braselton, or come by our Discovery Center in the neighborhood today!
What is a Builder’s Inventory Home? How do I Find One?
If you’re looking for a great home that’s ready for you to move in, or which will be very soon, then a builder’s inventory home is for you. We work with a variety of builders, and in our Homefinder tool you can find homes that have been built, or homes that are fast on their way. This kind of home is built with thoughtfully-planned designs, created so that the home can fit a wide range of families and lifestyles. We have owner-on-main homes, homes with two stories, ranch-style homes, and many more. Rest assured, an inventory home in Traditions is designed with your family in mind. You can find our current inventory, including move-in ready homes, on our Homefinder!
How do I Get a New Custom-Built Home in Jefferson?
If you’re looking for a brand new home with exactly the layout and features you want, you’ll find that Traditions of Braselton is an ideal place to build it! That’s because we work with multiple custom homebuilders, each with their own specialties in the space. Need a traditional family home with all the right design features and a layout that’s just for you? We work with custom builders who create homes of all sizes – including the just-right size you want. Looking for something bigger, that’s ready for generations of enjoyment and years of happy memories? Our custom builders create incredible, unique homes to make those dreams a reality.
An Ideal New Home, an Exceptional Lifestyle in Jefferson
When you find your new home in Traditions of Braselton, whether it’s a beautiful inventory home ready for move-in right now, or a custom home that is exactly what you asked for, you’re entering into a lifestyle unlike anything else. You’ll find a world of amenities and events available to you right at home, including our neighborhood pool, tennis courts, community center, and green spaces, all around a world-class golf course. Call us or come visit our Discovery Center and find out what’s available now, and what’s possible when you build custom.